Categories: Oral Hygiene Basics

Tips To Maintain Good Oral Health

As a Fairborn, OH general dentist we want to help you to maintain the best possible oral health. It is important that you and your family take the steps to maintain healthy teeth and gums today so that you can prevent adult tooth loss in the future. While it is rare for adults to suffer complete tooth loss in today's society, it is still common for most adults to lose at least one of their permanent teeth. This is typically caused by an infection, decay or gum disease. By helping to keep you healthy, we can ensure that you have the opportunity to preserve your beautiful natural smile for as long as possible – a priority for the team at Greene Dental Associates.

When you visit our general dentist office, we will take steps to keep your teeth and gums healthy by examining you and cleaning your teeth thoroughly. We will also treat any signs of decay or infection that we identify. However, at home, there are very specific things that you can do to partner with us to maintain your oral health. These include –

#1 Use a new toothbrush.

Most people know that it is important to brush teeth for two minutes at a time and to do so thoroughly. However, few people think about their actual toothbrush. It is important that you use a new toothbrush. Too often people keep their same toothbrush for a year and as a result, end up spreading bacteria throughout their mouth. Your toothbrush needs to be switched out every three months and we recommend that if you notice it is smelling, looks stained, or that the bristles are frayed prior to three months, you purchase a new one sooner. Also, we recommend that you use either an electronic or battery-operated toothbrush for the best clean.  If you don't have one, purchase a soft toothbrush so that you do not accidentally cause erosion of the enamel by brushing too aggressively.

#2 Drink more water.

How much water you drink and how hydrated you are can directly influence your oral and physical health. Drinking water is critical because it ensures that your body can produce the saliva necessary to maintain a moist mouth. When you have sufficient saliva, it will wash away food particles and bacteria throughout the day. Without it, you can suffer from dry mouth which is a common condition in the elderly. Your breath may start to smell bad as a result and you will be at a greater risk of developing tooth decay.

#3 Use a fluoride toothpaste.

As a Fairborn general dentist we recommend fluoride treatments for our young patients but people of all ages can benefit from fluoride toothpaste. It is natural for teeth to suffer erosion due to the type of food that you eat and even brushing your teeth on a daily basis. Placing fluoride, a mineral, on your teeth, can help stimulate the process of remineralization. This works to strengthen your teeth, which then makes them better equipped to fight off decay.

#4 Eat a mouth-healthy diet.

Certain foods can work to strengthen your teeth. For example, you can eat green leafy vegetables and low sugar dairy products that have plenty of calcium. This will serve to strengthen your teeth and bones. Also, eating lean protein, nuts, and whole wheat products will be healthier for your teeth than high-sugar, high-processed foods.

#5 Visit our 45324 general dentist office.

Your oral health is best when you take these steps at home and then visit our office twice a year. At Greene Dental Associates, we can help to augment what you are doing on a daily basis by removing any plaque or tartar that has become trapped in your teeth. No matter how hard you try to clean your teeth, there will be areas of the mouth that are difficult to reach, so a professional cleaning is the only way to ensure that you are not suffering from plaque buildup. By identifying any concerns and oral health problems and then treating them immediately, we will help you to maintain the best possible oral health.

To schedule an appointment with our 45324 general dentist office, call (937) 426-2400. Our Fairborn, OH staff is friendly, professional, and looking forward to helping you and your family stay healthy.

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Greene Dental Associates

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